Posts Tagged ‘ dental sedation ’

Sedation Dentistry: The Key to Relaxing Dental Visits

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry offers a peaceful solution for those who fear the dentist chair. Say goodbye to anxiety and hello to relaxation.

Sedation Can Help Ease Dental Fear and Anxiety

Practicing good dental hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily can help you maintain excellent oral health. But even then, you might need to visit the dentist for accidents that result in a chipped or broken tooth, or if you suspect that a cavity may have begun expanding in that distant…
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How Are Dental Sedation and Anesthesia Used During an Appointment?

Visiting the dentist regularly and at the first sign of any issues helps patients keep up with their oral health. Dental fear and dental anxiety, two related, but distinct conditions, can prevent people from seeking essential care when they have dental issues. Dr. Denes in Fresno, CA can help ease the fear, anxiety, and discomfort…
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How is Sedation Dentistry Different from “Sleep Dentistry”?

You’ve probably heard the term “sleep dentistry” used in common parlance, but it’s actually somewhat misleading. It most certainly is not the same thing as sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry refers to the use of mild sedatives and nitrous oxide gas to induce a more relaxed state during and before dental appointments. Are you interested in…
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Questions to Ask Your Sedation Dentist

Certain dental procedures require the need for stronger sedation other than local anesthesia. You may also want sedation if you suffer from dental anxiety or have difficulty numbing. It is the sedation dentist’s job to make sure you receive excellent care and remain comfortable throughout your entire procedure. Before undergoing any procedure or sedatives, there…
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Types of Medications Used for Dental Sedation

You know it’s been too long since you last visited the dentist, but the very thought of picking up the phone and calling brings heightened anxiety. The last time you went wasn’t pleasant and you don’t want a repeat experience. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you one of the 40 million Americans who…
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Dental Sedation Makes Big Dentistry Comfortable

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder causes excruciating pain in jaw joints, which connect the upper and lower jawbone to either side of the skull. This disorder often results in upper body stiffness (such as in the neck and shoulders), frequent migraines and headaches, as well as overwhelming discomfort when opening the mouth. Fresno, CA dentist Dr….
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What to Expect at Your Appointment with Dental Sedation

For some people, just the thought of going to the dentist brings on feelings of fear and anxiety. Dental anxiety could be the result of an unpleasant past experience or just general apprehension. Depending on the level of anxiety you experience, it can prevent you from receiving the dental procedures you need in order to…
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