Posts Tagged ‘ sedation dentistry ’

How Oral Sedation Can Help Special Needs Patients

Special needs can encompass people of all ages. Whether you are a parent of a young child with special needs or the caretaker of an elderly relative, you know that special provisions must be followed to ensure your family member remains calm, yet receives the medical care they need. Finding medical professionals, including a special…
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7 Ways Oral Sedation Makes Dental Treatment More Comfortable

With the introduction of oral sedation into the dental industry, dentists today are able to make dental care more relaxing and comfortable for their patients. While dental anxiety is a primary reason that many patients choose to implement oral sedation into their treatment – it’s not the only reason. If you struggle from dental anxiety,…
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Dental Sedation Makes Big Dentistry Comfortable

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder causes excruciating pain in jaw joints, which connect the upper and lower jawbone to either side of the skull. This disorder often results in upper body stiffness (such as in the neck and shoulders), frequent migraines and headaches, as well as overwhelming discomfort when opening the mouth. Fresno, CA dentist Dr….
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Overcoming Dental Anxiety Caused by a Painful Experience

Dentist anxiety caused by fear of painful experience.

For many, the word “dentist” creates a heightened level of anxiety and fear when mentioned, often resulting in a faster heart rate, nervous stomach, and cold sweat. It is not uncommon for this particular person to experience these same side effects when driving by a nearby dental office or seeing a medical professional in a…
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Sedation Dentistry for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

Imagine being in pain because of an irritating toothache. Now imagine constantly being in a state of confusion. At Fresno Dental Studio, we offer sedation dentistry for special needs patients, because receiving dental work shouldn’t be scary, nor should it trigger agitation. In patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, a routine dental procedure…
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Avoiding Dentistry Due to a Sensitive Gag Reflex

Everyone has a natural gag reflex built into the body’s system that is designed to prevent choking when an unusually large or harmful object touches the roof of your mouth, back of your tongue, or soft tissues in your throat. However, it is estimated that around 15% of people have a hyperactive gag reflex that…
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Does Sedation Dentistry Help With Dental Phobia?

Dental phobia is a legitimate issue that can prevent patients of all ages from visiting the dentist year after year. For some, what once occurred as a result of a bad childhood dental experience, grew into a deep, gut-wrenching and debilitating fear, causing them to avoid the dentists at all cost as an adult. Dental…
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How Sedation Dentistry Works

Why Sedation Dentistry? For those with dental anxiety, getting necessary treatments can be agony. But you don’t have to suffer from a crippling phobia to benefit from sedation dentistry. As dentists, we know that there are few people in the world who actually like having dental work done. Most people would rather be doing anything…
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Is Dentist Fear Real?

Is Dentist Fear Real?

Does the thought of going to the dentist create anxiousness, nervousness, and an increased heart rate? You are not alone. The fear of the dentist, also known as dental anxiety or dental phobia, is a real issue experienced by children and adults alike. It has been reported that nearly 40 million Americans experience some type…
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