Posts Tagged ‘ oral conscious sedation ’

Sedation Dentistry: Comfort and Care – Exploring Its Benefits

Sedation dentistry

Experience the ultimate comfort and care with sedation dentistry. Say goodbye to anxiety and pain during your next dental visit.

Sedation Solution: From Anxiety to Confidence

Sedation Solution

Transforming dental anxiety into confidence is not just a dream – it’s a reality with the sedation solution.

Sedation Dentistry: The Key to Relaxing Dental Visits

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry offers a peaceful solution for those who fear the dentist chair. Say goodbye to anxiety and hello to relaxation.

4 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Annual dental cleanings and examinations, coupled with practicing good oral hygiene at home, help patients maintain a healthy mouth. Although visiting the dentist twice a year for preventive care might seem like a reasonable frequency, some patients still worry about the visit or have certain health conditions that make going to the dentist for any…
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How Does Conscious Sedation Help Dental Anxiety?

Conscious sedation in dentistry is a gentle form of sedation that helps patients conquer their fears and anxieties, for a more pleasant experience while they have their oral health needs attended. Conscious sedation is quite different from “sleep dentistry,” which uses stronger intravenous medication to induce general anesthesia. Conscious sedation is usually far more convenient…
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Don’t Like Losing Control? Dental Sedation May Help!

Are you one of the many people who avoid the dentist because you don’t like how it feels to lose control? Dental sedation does not induce unconsciousness, but instead helps you have a calmer, more relaxed experience. For many patients, sedation is a welcome option that can help you put your dental anxiety on hold. Unfortunately, some…
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Questions to Ask Your Sedation Dentist

Certain dental procedures require the need for stronger sedation other than local anesthesia. You may also want sedation if you suffer from dental anxiety or have difficulty numbing. It is the sedation dentist’s job to make sure you receive excellent care and remain comfortable throughout your entire procedure. Before undergoing any procedure or sedatives, there…
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Types of Medications Used for Dental Sedation

You know it’s been too long since you last visited the dentist, but the very thought of picking up the phone and calling brings heightened anxiety. The last time you went wasn’t pleasant and you don’t want a repeat experience. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you one of the 40 million Americans who…
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Avoiding Dentistry Due to a Sensitive Gag Reflex

Everyone has a natural gag reflex built into the body’s system that is designed to prevent choking when an unusually large or harmful object touches the roof of your mouth, back of your tongue, or soft tissues in your throat. However, it is estimated that around 15% of people have a hyperactive gag reflex that…
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Does Sedation Dentistry Help With Dental Phobia?

Dental phobia is a legitimate issue that can prevent patients of all ages from visiting the dentist year after year. For some, what once occurred as a result of a bad childhood dental experience, grew into a deep, gut-wrenching and debilitating fear, causing them to avoid the dentists at all cost as an adult. Dental…
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