All entries by this author

Types of Medications Used for Dental Sedation

You know it’s been too long since you last visited the dentist, but the very thought of picking up the phone and calling brings heightened anxiety. The last time you went wasn’t pleasant and you don’t want a repeat experience. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you one of the 40 million Americans who…
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What Causes Dental Anxiety?

When you hear someone mention visiting the dentist, do you get sweaty palms and a nervous stomach? Do you frequently cancel dental appointments – even if you’re in pain? If you are nodding yes, you may have a serious case of dental anxiety. While it may seem to be a made up term, it is…
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How Oral Sedation Can Help Special Needs Patients

Special needs can encompass people of all ages. Whether you are a parent of a young child with special needs or the caretaker of an elderly relative, you know that special provisions must be followed to ensure your family member remains calm, yet receives the medical care they need. Finding medical professionals, including a special…
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7 Ways Oral Sedation Makes Dental Treatment More Comfortable

With the introduction of oral sedation into the dental industry, dentists today are able to make dental care more relaxing and comfortable for their patients. While dental anxiety is a primary reason that many patients choose to implement oral sedation into their treatment – it’s not the only reason. If you struggle from dental anxiety,…
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Benefits of a Dental Makeover Using Sedation

As the center point of your face, your teeth are easily seen when eating, talking, laughing, and of course, smiling – making your smile one of the most noticeable features. Unfortunately, age, genetics, medications, and the foods consumed can take a toll on the appearance of teeth, causing individuals to feel self-conscious. It’s important that…
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Are You Afraid of the Dentist?

Did you know that there’s an actual term that’s used to describe being afraid of the dentist? It’s called dental anxiety – and it’s a real issue that affects nearly 40 million people each year. The level of fear differs amongst individuals. For some, it means increased heart rate and nausea when attending appointments. For…
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A Special Needs Dentist Near You

At Fresno Dental Studio, our dentists are equipped to meet the requirements of special needs patients. Whether you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, autism, or dental fear, Fresno, CA special needs dentist Dr. Claudia Denes has a solution to create a calm, relaxing environment for your dental procedure. Dr. Denes is understanding and compassion toward…
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Embarrassing Gag Reflux at the Dentist? Ask About Oral Sedation

Does your sensitive gag reflux keep you from attending your biannual dental checkups? If this is an issue for you, ask Fresno, CA dentist Dr. Claudia Denes about oral sedation. Our dental studio offers multiple kinds of sedative medication to ease the nerves of anxious patients and provide comfort for those with a sensitive gag…
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Dental Sedation Makes Big Dentistry Comfortable

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder causes excruciating pain in jaw joints, which connect the upper and lower jawbone to either side of the skull. This disorder often results in upper body stiffness (such as in the neck and shoulders), frequent migraines and headaches, as well as overwhelming discomfort when opening the mouth. Fresno, CA dentist Dr….
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Beating Your Fear of the Dentist

Dental fear is a common issue experienced by many people in the United States. According to the American Dental Association, 22 percent of people neglect dental treatment due to fear. If you feel apprehensive about visiting the dentist, oral sedation can help you through your appointment. Patients who have failed to take proper care of…
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