How Oral Sedation Can Help Special Needs Patients

Care taker kissing special needs loved one and requiring special needs dentist.

Special needs can encompass people of all ages. Whether you are a parent of a young child with special needs or the caretaker of an elderly relative, you know that special provisions must be followed to ensure your family member remains calm, yet receives the medical care they need. Finding medical professionals, including a special needs dentist, equipped at providing specialized services in a warm and comfortable environment is the first step to providing peace of mind for both you and your loved.

In addition to specialized services, many dentists today offer sedation dentistry in-office to make patients even more comfortable. Special needs dentist Dr. Denes in Fresno, CA offers oral sedation for patients who struggle from dental anxiety or have a medical condition that prevents them from sitting still or remaining calm in a medical environment. To learn more about oral sedation and how it can benefit you or your loved one, please contact our office today online or give us call at 559-297-1294.

Preventative Care is Important

Regular dental cleanings and examinations are just as important for your special needs loved one as they are for you, if not more so. Because certain medical conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, cerebral palsy, and Parkinson’s disease can make it difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene at home, plaque can build up quickly and lead to tooth decay. If tooth decay is left unaddressed, it can develop into large cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss.

Possible Oral Health Complications

Patients with special needs are also more likely to struggle from other oral health complications, such as:

  • Dry Mouth: Many prescribed medications result in side effects that slow saliva production. Saliva helps flush away food and debris from the surface of your teeth. When it declines, it can increase your risk for bad breath, bacterial overgrowth, and tooth decay.
  • Teeth Grinding: When teeth continue to grind against each other, the enamel will eventually wear down and cause dental sensitivity and tooth pain. Dental fillings or dental crowns are usually required to restore the teeth and a mouth guard can be customized to protect teeth from further damage.
  • Improper Tooth Development: During routine examinations, the dentist will be able to take x-rays to determine if teeth are coming in properly and make the necessary recommendations to correct the issue.
  • Ill-Fitting Dentures: As a patient ages, the jaw will continue to atrophy if they are missing most or all their teeth. Over time, this can cause dentures to loosen and result in painful sores along the gums. Dentists recommend the replacement of traditional dentures every five to seven years to maintain a proper fit.

How Sedation Can Help

With oral sedation, patients are able to relax during their dental appointment so they can receive the necessary care. Dr. Denes will provide you with two different doses to administer to your loved one. The first one should be taken the night before the appointment so they get a good night’s rest. The second dose should be taken about 30 minutes prior to the dental appointment. We understand administering medication can be difficult, so we can prescribe it in a manner that is easiest for your loved one to take.

When the medication is taken, patients will achieve a calm state of mind and be mostly unaware of what is going on around them. Patients who have difficulty controlling their movements or keeping their body still will be able to relax both physically and mentally. Patients who usually get agitated when walking into a medical facility will have a sense of peace.

By using oral sedation as part of the dental appointment, Dr. Denes will be able to administer the appropriate treatment in a safe and effective manner. Most patients sleep through the entire procedures, but will be able to respond to simple commands from the special needs dentist. After waking, they will have little to no memory of the event.

Learn More About Oral Sedation

If you have a special needs loved one and are interested in learning more about implementing oral sedation as part of their dental care, please contact our Fresno, CA office today by filling out our online form or calling us at 559-297-1294 to set up your private consultation.

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