Benefits of a Dental Makeover Using Sedation

Portrait of mid adult female patient smiling in dentistry

As the center point of your face, your teeth are easily seen when eating, talking, laughing, and of course, smiling – making your smile one of the most noticeable features. Unfortunately, age, genetics, medications, and the foods consumed can take a toll on the appearance of teeth, causing individuals to feel self-conscious.

It’s important that you feel happy about showing your smile off. By combining restorative procedures with cosmetic dentistry, people today are able to receive a complete dental makeover. Dr. Denes offers a comprehensive list of procedures designed to not only improve the health, but aesthetics of one’s smile. So whether you are dealing with teeth that are decayed, cracked, worn, missing, or discolored – we can transform your smile.

If you have avoided going to the dentist out of embarrassment or fear – it’s never too late to start going. Dr. Denes offers oral conscious sedation to help patients relax so they can receive a dental makeover. Call our Fresno, CA office today at 559-297-1297 to learn more about sedation and the treatments we provide.

Sedation Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Dr. Denes prescribes two doses of anti-anxiety medications, such as Valium or Halcion. The first dose is to be taken the night before your appointment. Patients with extreme levels of dental anxiety often have difficulty sleeping the night before an appointment. By taking your dose the night before, you can get a good night’s sleep and wake up rested the next morning.

Sedation Can Help You Relax

On the day of your appointment, you will take the second dose about 30 minutes prior to arriving. Many patients find that just driving by or walking into a waiting room can exasperate their anxiety. However, a sedative will calm your nerves and help you relax. Depending on the dose of your medication, you may need to have a friend or family member drive you to your appointment.

Sedation Can Help You Sit Still

Sedation is also recommended for patients who have trouble sitting still due to back pain, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, or a hypersensitive gag reflex. Oftentimes, these patients have been unable to visit the dentist for many years and are in great need of a dental makeover. Once the medication takes effect, patients are able to sit still so the dentist can access the mouth easily and effectively.

Sedation Can Make Treatment More Comfortable

If you require a significant amount of dental work, such as dental fillings, dental crowns, dental implants, dental bonding, or a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments, sedation can help you remain comfortable through hours of dental work. Under sedation, patients achieve a sleep-like state, but are able to respond to commands from the dentist. To make treatment even more comfortable, a local anesthetic will be given to numb the teeth and gums. After waking, you will have little to no memory of the visit and enjoy a new and improved smile.

Call To Learn More

If you struggle from dental anxiety or a health condition that keeps you from relaxing, but are in dire need of a dental makeover, please contact our Fresno, CA office today at 559-297-1297 to learn more about the benefits of sedation.


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